General > Sleep

When talking about sleep disorders it refers to a group of disorders that can affect not only the amount of time we are able to dedicate to sleep, but also the quality of the latter, also taking into account the impairment of daytime activities resulting from an altered and unsatisfactory sleep-wake rhythm. There are various sleep disorders, among which we can include insomnia.

In general, insomnia refers to a condition of dissatisfaction with the quantity and/or quality of sleep.

Specifically, insomnia can be characterized by :

  • Difficulty falling asleep (initial/early insomnia);
  • Frequent and prolonged night awakenings (maintenance insomnia);
  • Waking up early in the morning (late insomnia);
  • From a combination of these difficulties (mixed or generalized insomnia).

The cure for insomnia Today it includes both pharmacological treatment (through the use of sleep-inducing drugs, generally benzodiazepines) and non-pharmacological treatment, depending on whether it is, respectively, occasional/situational insomnia or chronic insomnia.

The use of hypnotic drugs or anxiolytics (benzodiazepines) is not recommended for more than 2 weeks . Prolonged use may in fact cause side effects such as daytime drowsiness and dizziness, as well as habituation and tolerance.

On the other hand, their drastic suspension causes a withdrawal syndrome, characterized by a bloody return of insomnia (rebound effect), psychomotor agitation, anxiety and tremors.

Non-pharmacological therapy includes some classic cognitive-behavioral techniques that aim to modify bad habits or harmful environmental factors. Furthermore, by teaching specific relaxation techniques for the body and mind, the therapist helps the patient to free himself from anxious thoughts and “mental ruminations” that do not allow the mind to relax.

Phytotherapy also plays a very important role in the treatment of insomnia. The relaxing action of medicinal plants - such as chamomile, lemon balm, poppy, passion flower, linden and valerian - is in fact widely recognized, thanks to their calming and anxiolytic effect on the body.

Recent medical studies have confirmed the importance of using the hormone melatonin to restore regular sleep. In Italy, melatonin is considered a supplement and not a drug, as it is a substance already produced by our body to regulate the sleep-wake rhythm.

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