It is a component of the cell wall of numerous molds, fungi and bacteria with known immunomodulatory properties. In vitro studies have shown that this substance is able to stimulate the cells of the vaginal mucosa to an immunological action against pathogens, promoting the regression of low-grade cervical cytological alterations. - MYRTLE:
It promotes repair processes in atrophic and dystrophic states of the cervical vaginal mucosa and is also useful in the presence of low-grade HPV lesions. It is a plant with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiseptic properties due to the constituents of the plant itself, including: polyphenols, terpenoids, tannins, quercetin, vitamin C. A clinical study has shown that myrtle extract is effective in treating HPV infection and is able to accelerate the elimination of the virus. - LACTIC ACID:
It is able to rebalance the vaginal pH. It makes the proliferation of pathogenic agents unfavorable. - HYALURUNIC ACID:
It is able to maintain and improve the level of hydration and turgidity of epithelial tissues, promoting their trophism against inflammation.